Pickleball Tournament
Denise Geraci, Heather Nordhaus, & Audrey Schlorholtz
Holiday Home Tour
Shelley Landry
Auction for Holiday Home Tour
Powder Puff
Anna Lisa Gendron
Mr. & Miss Mustang Extravaganza 2025
Mary Blakey & Suzy Yankowitz
Pink Flamingos
Jamie Bingham & Britten Hamilton
Ticket Sales
Jamie Bingham
Executive Board Duties:
Junior class officers will assume official duties on June 9, 2022 and serve until the end of the 2021-2022 Project Graduation event.
The President shall:
A. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees to stay in focus with the Purpose of the organization.
B. Confirm that a quorum is present at each meeting of the organization.
C. Preside at all meetings of the organization.
D. Be authorized to sign on bank accounts.
The Vice President shall:
A. Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
B. Act as an aide to the President.
C. Act as head of the Audit Committee.
D. Be authorized to sign on bank accounts.
E. Advise on matters of parliamentary procedure.
F. At the April meeting, act as head of the Auditing Committee, appoint two individuals from the general membership for the purpose of reviewing the organization’s financial records. At least one of the individuals shall be a junior class parent or guardian. This shall be done after the close of the fiscal year.
The Secretary shall:
A. Record the minutes of all meetings of the association.
B. Keep a current copy of the By-Laws.
C. Perform necessary club correspondence.
D. Act as custodian of all records and materials pertinent to the history of the association.
The Treasurer shall:
A. Have custody of all funds for the association.
B. Keep books of account and records, including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts, and cancelled checks for five years.
C. Make disbursement s as authorized by the President, Executive Board, or association in accordance with the budgets.
D. Sign on bank accounts.
E. Present a financial statement at general meetings, Executive Board meetings and at other times when requested by the association.
F. Construct a full report of the year’s activities at the end of the fiscal year.
G. Be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records.
H. Submit books to the Auditing Committee as requested.
I. Work with the Executive Board in establishing an annual budget.