We have reached our maximum number of players, but if you have already signed up and haven't paid, please pay below:

Players & Coaches, Pay Here:

Cheer/Bro-Setters, Pay Here:

Purchase tickets to watch the game, here.  Advance purchased tickets are Adults - $7.00/Students - $5.00. 

They will go up to Adults - $10.00/Students - $7.00 at the gate.

Celebrate your senior by purchasing an ad in our Powder Puff Program.  All ad payments and artwork are due by April 1st.  Send all artwork to carrieanngore@gmail.com.

Half page 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 -$20
Full page 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 - $40

Purchase your ads, here: